The City of Raleigh's 2030 Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2009, guides our growth and development to accomplish the vision of Raleigh in the future. The area around Peace Street and Capital Boulevard is contained in the Core Business District category of this plan. The description for this is as follows:
“This category applies to the Raleigh Central Business District, and is intended to enhance Downtown Raleigh as a vibrant mixed use urban center. The category recognizes the area’s role as the heart of the city, supporting a mix of high-intensity office, retail, housing, government, institutional, visitor-serving, cultural, and entertainment uses. Multiple zoning districts apply within the CBD, corresponding to the different character and vision for its various neighborhoods. The maximum residential density in this area would be 320 units per acre with densities tapering off towards edge areas adjacent to established residential neighborhoods, but not falling below 40 units per acre.”
Link Peace Street calls for planners to stay consistent with the descriptions of the comprehensive plan.
The Capital Boulevard Corridor Study specifies the replacement of the Capital Boulevard Bridge, including improvements made to the road design, as a catalyst for new development in the area. Supporters of Link Peace Street disagree.
According to the corridor study document, traffic volumes on Capital Boulevard peaked at 64,000 vehicles per day in 1974. Since that year, Raleigh has added over 200,000 citizens, more than doubling the total population, and the traffic volumes have not surpassed that peak.
At the same time, the number of residents in downtown Raleigh is growing TODAY. We can see new apartment buildings being built in the Glenwood South district and efforts to rezone the land around Blount Street Commons will eventually allow for more residential units per acre. These developments are within a half mile of the Capital/Peace intersection.