The Raleigh Public Record has updated its Stimulus Tracking page and we need our readers to help provide more transparency to the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act.
The Record’s stimulus tracking page provides a regularly updated list of transportation, city and education projects, which incorporate data from federal, state, city and departmental websites. Compiling the data is a time-consuming process that often leaves information gaps.
For each project listing, we have provided a contact person’s information and we want you to help us fill in the missing information or question what we’ve already found out. Were jobs at a certain project actually retained after the project was completed? What does 0.16 jobs mean?
We also want our readers to go to projects in their area to take pictures and look for noteworthy developments. As with all verifiable updates we will print and give credit to the readers observations, updates, and photos.
The information you help us provide could lead to breaking news stories and will ensure transparency in the spending of the billions of taxpayer dollars, designed to “bail out” the taxpayer.
Read more and find out how to help on the Stimulus Tracking page.