Chuck Reisinger

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Charles “Chuck” John Reisinger
District C challenger
Age: 34
Address: 716 Brighton Road
Hometown: Waterloo, Iowa is where I was born and then I moved to Durham at age 10.
How long Have you lived in Raleigh?

About 6 years. I lived Durham, Elizabeth City, and then Durham, then to Raleigh.

What brought you to Raleigh?

Just moving with friends. I had a friend that was going to N.C. State, we were roommates and we both decided to move to Raleigh. And I was starting to work more in Raleigh. I was a consultant in radio for a company that worked the Triangle, into Burlington, Wilson, all that. So Raleigh was still a central location.

In two to three sentences, please share something that you believe the City of Raleigh does well.

I’d say it supports the arts fairly well. The arts and the greenway project, I think, are probably the two best things they’ve done.

In two to three sentences, please share one thing that you believe the City of Raleigh could improve upon or change.

Getting rid of urban sprawl or slowing it down immensely. Stopping urban sprawl and providing smarter growth, which I think they are doing with the new development plan. I think the lack of planning has been horrible.

In two to three sentences, please share your position regarding public transit in the City of Raleigh.

Right now it’s pretty bad. I oppose the rail system. I think it would be a lot better to improve the bus system and I think the R-Line is one of the best things they’ve done with it.

In two to three sentences, please share your position regarding growth management in the City of Raleigh.

I think they lacked any growth management for a long time, but I think the plan they’ve drawn up covers it pretty well.

In two to three sentences, please share your position regarding crime control in the City of Raleigh.

I live in what they consider a fairly high-crime area, and crime really isn’t that bad for me. I think the police are doing a good job. I’m sure there are areas for improvement, like getting more community watch going, but I think the police are doing a pretty good job. I think it’s a little bit overblown. You know the gang problem is probably the most serious thing to try and get a hold of, but I’ve had one break-in since I was here and it was handled beautifully.

Now, we would like to hear your position on two issues that were not previously mentioned, but that you think are important to the voters in the City of Raleigh. You tell us the issue and then give us two to three sentences about your position on the issue.

I think one issue that’s come up lately is the closed-door meetings for the city manager, which I think are a horrible idea. I believe that all city matters should be handled open door.

Certain areas of Raleigh get more beautification going than others. For example, I think North Raleigh seems to be a little bit better kept in the public areas, than say, District C where I’m at, where some areas are kind of left hanging, I feel. It’s hard for the residents to take pride when the city’s kind of not taking pride in their spaces in that area, bus stops and things like that.

What would you say is your guilty pleasure?

I’d say video games are probably the biggest guilty pleasure I have. They’re a complete waste of time but they’re a great stress reliever.
