News for January 27

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Meeker may not run for mayor this year

The Indy’s Bob Geary asked the mayor about his possible run for a fifth term.

Governor Perdue Brings in Harrison to Oversee Education

N&O reporter Lynn Bonner writes that Perdue asked the Cumberland County school superintendent to run the education department and lead the state school board.

Wake County Budget Shortfall Worse than Expected

ABC-11  reports that the County Commissioners will vote next week on a plan to reduce the 2009 fiscal year budget by about $23 million.

State Capitol Opens Depression Era Exhibit

The Raleigh Chronicle reports that “Fun Times in Hard Times: How We Played in the Great Depression” highlights how Raleigh residents made their own, low-budget fun in the 1930s.  Free and open to the public.

The Learning Channel Filming in Raleigh

The City of Raleigh has posted that “Home Made Simple” will film 6 episodes in Raleigh; producers still seeking residents to feature.