McFarlane to Run For Mayor

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City Councilwoman Nancy McFarlane announced Wednesday she will run for mayor this fall.

The announcement comes one day after Mayor Charles Meeker said he plans not to run for a sixth term. Meeker has been mayor for the past 10 years.

“I love this city,” said McFarlane, who has lived in Raleigh for 27 years. “But as good as we are, we can be even better. It is important that we continue that careful planning so that we can continue to enjoy the safe, beautiful and prosperous city that we are now.”

McFarlane is a pharmacist and the president of MedPro Rx, Inc., an accredited specialty infusion pharmacy that provides infusion medications and services to clients with chronic illnesses.

She has served on the Council as representative of District A since 2007. She also serves as chair of the Council’s Comprehensive Planning Committee and a member of the Budget and Economic Development Committee.

McFarlane said she expects the city’s growth — and its effect on transportation — to be one of the major issues.

When asked how her leadership will differ from Mayor Meeker’s, she said she will have a broader focus.

“Charles has been a great leader. He has revitalized our downtown, and certainly as a whole we really profited from that. It gives the city a vibrant core,” she said. “I would say I would be a little more … I like to get out and talk to people in different parts of the city. I live in North Raleigh. I want to truly be a mayor for all of Raleigh.”

Meanwhile, Randy Stagner, a retired U.S. Army colonel, announced Wednesday his candidacy for McFarlane’s city council seat. Stagner, who will run as an independent, served 28 years in the army before settling in North Raleigh.

Election Day is Oct. 11. Candidate filing for the Raleigh City Council begins July 25.