Choosing a School: Ready, Set, Go!

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As of 1 p.m. Tuesday, parents will be able to rank schools on their choice list to secure their child’s assignment for 2012-13 school year.

Before a family can participate in the choice process, they need to enroll, which can be done at any Wake County school with the child’s birth certificate, proof of address and parent’s ID. Once enrolled families can participate in the selection process by ranking their choices

Families who are already part of the school system don’t need to take part in the selection process. They’ll keep their current assignment. However, they can participate if they want to change schools.

Families entering kindergarten, on the other hand, will need to participate in the choice process unless they want to end up in whatever schools have leftover seats. Superintendent Tony Tata and his assignment team have long acknowledged that for the plan to be successful, everyone entering the school system will need to participate in the choice process.

View a timeline of critical dates in the selection process.

Email any questions about the assignment plan to editor (at) or post them in this forum.

To stay up to date the Record’s original WCPSS reporting, you can follow Will Huntsberry on Twitter @willhuntsberry and by searching #wakeschoolboard.