Northeast CAC Meeting Notes
April 10, 2014
- Department Reports
- Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Report- Center staff reported on upcoming Parks and Recreation events. The Raleigh Ollie Community Day event will be held at Marsh Creek Center on April 26th from 11:00 am- 2:00 pm. They are currently accepting applications for their soccer and baseball leagues for children 11- 12 years old.
- Police Report- Officer Porter gave the crime report for the the last 28 days. He stated there have been an increase in the amount of vehicle break ins in the area. He gave the citizens a few tips to deter criminals from breaking into their cars. He also encouraged citizens to purchase home alarm systems for added protection. He also promoted the upcoming National Night Out event.
- Presentation- Z-6-14- Attorney Andy Petesch; in attendance with developers and the Halle Building Group discussed the pending rezoning case. The parcel in question is 57 acres and is currently zoned R4 and industrial use.However, the developers want to split up the land and put 385 apartment units (limited to 3 storeis) on one half and townhomes on the other. The developers want to rezone the land for RX3 or RX4. Once construction begins it will take 2 years to complete the project.
Currently, a traffiic study is being done and will be complete in a couple of weeks. The planning and rezoning process was explained to residents and a motion was made to postpone voting on the case until the traffic study was complete. A vote was carried out with majority residents voting to wait until the May meeting.
III. Neighborhood Reports
- Buffaloe Road Small Area Plan- CAC leadership has been working with Planning Department’s Ken Bowers regarding the Buffaloe Rd area plan. Leadership will have more information in the coming months.
- 5K Run- Michi reminded residents about the upcoming 5K run that will take place in the Northeast CAC. She gave dates and the racing route.
- Other Announcements
- Michi reminded residents that the CAC will vote on the Z-6-14 rezoning case during the May meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Property Address: 4805 Raleigh Beach Road, Raleigh NC
Nearest Intersection: Raleigh Beach Road & New Bern
Property Owners: Ruthie Sue Brewer & Deborah Rose Gambill, PO BOX 763, Wendell, NC 27591‐0763
Project Contact: Andrew Petesch, Petesch Law, 916 N. Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27604‐1128, 919‐345‐
0442, Fax: 888‐848‐9605,
Property Size: 57.27
Existing Zoning: R‐4 & l‐1
Proposed Zoning: RX