Northwest CAC May 12, 2015 Meeting Minutes

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Northwest CAC Suzette HarringtonNW Raleigh Police Station May 12, 2015 – 7:00pmAttendance:Residents 15

Staff 1 (Community Services)

Presenters 7

Welcome & Introductions

Chair, Jay Gudeman introduced staff and welcomed residents to the meeting.

Raleigh Police Department Crime Report

Captain Carrigan briefed the residents on crime in the NW region of the city. Car break-ins are slightly up, but overall; as of to date, NW still holds the lowest percentage of crime reported in the city. As a reminder to residents please continue to keep car doors locked, valuable items put away to prevent from becoming a victim. Captain Carrigan responded to resident questions on cyber crime, body cameras, the use of Nextdoor and positions open within the police department.

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources

Alicia Lacombe from Lake Lynn Community Center gave an update on upcoming events. Pools are opening for summer enjoyment, the Crabtree Creek extension and Honeycutt Creek and East Fork Mine Creek Trails are now open and registration for summer camps are now happening. To keep up with what’s happening within PR&C

He introduced the planning system’s policy documents (Comprehensive Plan, Area Plan, Special Purpose Plans) and resgulating documents (UDO, Comprehensive Plan’s regulatory aspects, Raleigh Street Design Manual), official bodies (City Council, Board of Adjustment, Raleigh Historic Commission) and advisory bodies (Planning Commission and Appearance Commission) and talked about the planning system process, which any new zoning or rezoning cases have to go through.Zoning case Z-08-15 Englehardt Drive:Vote Michael Birch of Morninsside Law Firm returned to provide a brief presentation of the rezoning project for Englehardt Drive. It’s being developed by Ryland Homes and slated to provide 35 homes on 13 acres of land. It is scheduled for public hearing on June 2nd at 7:00pm. The vote was as follows 8 yes, 0 oppose and 2 abstain.

Zoning case Z-13-15 Leesville Church Road: Vote

Michael Birch of Morningside Law Firm talked about the development of land located on Leesville Church Road. This project is a portion of two properties. The rezoning request is from R4 to R10 CU to build a Daycare. The vote was as follows, 3 yes, 4 oppose and 1 abstain.

Zoning Case Z-14-15 Leesville Road/Old Leesville Road: Vote—DEFERRED

please use the website www.parks.raleishnc.sov .Ralcitih Housing & Neighborhood Preservation Dei)t.No report.Planning and Land Use in Raleigh (Ken Bowers)

Ken Bowers, Planning Director for the City of Raleigh, gave a presentation on how his department operates and a little of his background. Mr. Bowers is responsible for managing six groups which all work together: Long Range Planning, Zoning, the Urban Design Center, Transportation Planning,

Real Estate and Communications.

New Business/Old BusinessReview: How do items get added to the agenda for CAC meetings (question submitted during March resident feedback)? Residents can suggest topics for the agenda at any time, including items they would like to receive follow-up information on. If there is an interest in a particular topic, please get in touch with the chair, vice-chair, secretary or community specialist. The agenda also includes rezoning presentations as new rezoning requests in the Northwest area are submitted, city department updates and other topics of relevance for the Northwest CAC.Adjournment: 9:00p.m.