Raleigh City Council will hear about downtown parking, taxis on Jan. 6

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Items of note for tomorrow’s city council meeting:

Tomorrow afternoon, David Diaz with the Downtown Raleigh Alliance will give a report to council about the proposal to put more parking meters around downtown. The DRA supports the proposal and most of the groups members think it would improve business downtown.

The council will likely approve a parade for the gubernatorial inauguration on Saturday Jan. 10. The parade will close part of South Wilmington St. Councilors will probably also approve closing the 100 block of Cabarrus St. for the governor’s inaugural ball at the convention center on Friday from noon until midnight.

During the evening session, the new Taxi Cab Association of Raleigh will voice its concerns to councilors. The association says there are too many illegal taxis operating in the city and not enough taxi zones.

The council will hold a hearing on a $11  million in two-thirds bonds for street improvements, recreation, public buildings and sustainability project. These bonds include the city plaza and the Hillsborough Street roundabouts. Council will also hold a hearing to reestablish the downtown Municipal Services Disctrict.

If there’s anything on the agenda that you are particularly interested in hearing about, please leave a comment and we will be sure to report back on that agenda item.