The city council of Raleigh met Tuesday to discuss consent agenda items and three rezoning cases.
Two items were pulled from the consent agenda. The rest were passed in full.
Item 1 concerned a development agreement with Dillion Station LLC. The parking agreement and budget amendment concerned the construction and operation of a parking deck in the Warehouse District.

The Tindall Corporation
One of the city’s parking decks on Blount Street
A joint venture between Kane Realty Corporation and Federal Capital Partners and a public-private partnership with the city of Raleigh has been the basis for the deal. The budget amendments amount to $11.3 million.
City manager Ruffin Hall made a suggestion to move the item to the October 26 Unified Development Ordinance planning session. It was so moved.
Item 9.2 concerned a budget amendment for the installation of asphalt on Grove Estates, Augusta Landings, and John’s Pointe subdivisions. Councilor Gaylord asked how the city would be compensated for spending this money. City staff said that the city was working with the homeowners associations to continue assessments for the installation. They said that the HOAs were in agreement with the terms. It was approved.

The site of a planned townhome community
Councilor Stephenson requested that Z-27-15 be moved to a conditional use case. Councilor Crowder asked attorney Mack Paul whether moving this forward as a general use case was good for the area.
Mack Paul, who represents the developer, said the townhome development needed to move forward in light of the remapping of the city. Councilor Stephenson noted that city staff had found many of the policies in the case were inconsistent with the comprehensive plan and the case should be moved to the comprehensive planning committee. The council moved forward with a public hearing scheduled for November 3.
Z-29-15 and Z-31-15 were rezoning requests filed by the Wake County Public Schools. Both cases are for new elementary schools in Southeast Raleigh. Z-29 would be built at 201 North Rogers Lane and Z-31 at 6120 Poole Road.
The rezoning cases were both found to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. The proposed schools will fill a pressing need within the communities, according to Wake County. Councilor Stephenson gave a report of the CAC that the Poole Road site was near a sewer and raised concerns. Betty Parker, senior director of real estate services with the Wake County Public Schools, said the CAC had concerns about traffic.

Site plan drawings for Z-31-15, a new elementary school on Poole Road
“We did do an exhaustive service of 22 square miles to select the site,” Parker said.
Councilor Crowder asked if there were sidewalks and curb and gutter around with Barwell location. Parker said the sidewalks had not been developed yet but that the school system planned to build sidewalks along the frontages. Councilor Stephenson asked staff if they were projecting a lot of growth in these areas.
Ken Bowers, director of the city’s planning department, said these two locations were good for subdivisions because they have large tracts of undeveloped land.
“I’m really happy that the North Carolina legislators have left town so they can stay out of our business,” councilor Odom said. “And I really think we should stay out of the school system’s business.”
Council moved forward with public hearings on November 3.