Brought to you by Rufty-Peedin Design Build
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Our two demolitions for today are for residential homes, a subject we don’t normally cover here.
However, both were, in a sense, nontraditional homes, so we thought we’d give them a quick look.
First up was a $10,000 teardown for a 3,479 square foot “manufactured home not in park or court” located at 11904 Leesville Road.

Wake County maintains a database of photos of properties throughout the County. This was all they had for 11904 Leesville
The demolition is actually part of a larger project, first detailed in rezoning case Z-3-15, which was approved by the City Council in May of last year.
In March of 2015, the developers, Leesville Land LLC, appeared before the Planning Commission to discuss the case. As we reported at the time, Z-3-15 involved a 5.4 acre parcel of land on Leesville Road. The rezoning was from R-1 to R-6, which would increase the residential density.
It was found to be consistent with the Future Land Use Map and the Comprehensive Plan. The planning commission recommended approval of the rezoning and said that the rezoning was in the public interest because of connectivity and density supported by current and future needs.
The property at 11906 Leesville Road was acquired in May of this year by Leesville Land for an undisclosed sum. The previous owner had been in possession of the land since 1972. The one-story, 3,479 square-foot house on the property now set for demolition was itself built in 1972. According to County records, it included a full basement — not something you see much of around here — and three bathrooms. Not bad!

This satellite image from Google lets you see 11904 a little better
Taylor’d Lumber will handle the demolition of this 44 year-old home.
The other home to receive demolition permits was a duplex located at 1226 Duplin Road. Purchased in March of this year by an LLC named “Sears Family” (it appears the last name of the company owners is, in fact, Sears) for $359,000. Although Sears Family LLC owns at least ten properties throughout the City, we could not find any records or plans indicating what will be developed at 1226 Duplin once the demolition is complete.

1226 Dupln
The duplex itself was first built way back in 1948, and has undergone a number of changes in ownership since that time. The two-story, 2,048 structure had a brick exterior and was described as having “two units” — it was, after all, a duplex. We actually think the design of the place was pretty neat; it’s unfortunate Sears Family LLC wasn’t simply able to upgrade the existing structure.
Its teardown will be handled for $15,000 by JBK Construction.

We think this photo of 1226 from 1995 is pretty neat looking