Brought to you by Rufty-Peedin Design Build
Thursday, October 3, 2016
Tragically, last week’s most expensive commercial construction permit was issued to one of last week’s least interesting projects: Building IV at Wade Park.

The Offices at Wade
Maybe that’s unfair: as far as office buildings built in pleasantly bland mixed-use developments, “The Offices at Wade” looks like it will be great: a four-story, Class A Office Building with an on-site gym and cafe and no interior columns. That last one might sound weird but it’s actually kind of nice, especially if you’ve ever worked in an office building with too many of them. The project is also seeking LEED Gold Certification.
The contractor on the job, Choate Construction, received LEED Gold certification for Building III at Wade Park, so we imagine they will be able to do the same here. The $12 million permits were issued on October 26; The Offices at Wade is expected to open in the Fall of 2017, when it will rent out space for $28.50/square foot.

Wade Park’s site plan
The next largest project from last week turned out to be even less interesting than a new office building: a new self-storage facility in an industrial area off Capital Boulevard. It’s a $6.6 million job project that will be handled by McCrory Construction. The five-story, 119,200 square foot facility will operate under the Public Storage brand.
Earlier this year, we mentioned that site plans had been filed for a new CVS at the redeveloped Villages of Lake Boone; last week, a $1.25 million permit was issued to Project Builders for CVS Store No. 10863. The 11,537 square foot structure will be located at 2411 Landmark Drive. Note: we received some inquiries related to new, as-yet unreported development plans in the surrounding area that we’re currently looking into.
In the renovation world, permits were officially issued last week to a structural engineering firm for repairs to the Boylan Bridge Brewpub, which closed down earlier this year after a busted fire sprinkler led to the collapse of a structural wall in the basement. Although the pub reopened in late September, its iconic patio has remained closed.
While work has been going on at the site for some time — the “applied date” on the permits is July 19, 2016 — we hope this official issuance means the pub will soon be able to reopen the beloved patio. We’re very curious to see what the new view — which will now include Union Station — will look like. The $365,000 project has a somewhat humorous project work description “repair broken fire sprinkler.” We imagine it’s a little more involved than that.
Two eateries at the opposite end of the food chain — horrible pun very much intended — both received renovation permits last week: a Hardee’s on Gorman Road at the Avent Ferry shopping center will be undergoing an $88,657 interior remodel, while Sitti Restaurant at 133 Fayetteville Street downtown will be spending $15,000 on a walk-in cooler. Not surprisingly, Empire Properties’ in-house construction team, Empire Hard Hat, will be handling the latter job, while Commercial Millwork and Install will be taking care of the former. Also: we hope no Hardee’s fans were offended by our lame joke: they probably have the best fast-food chicken strips out there and the fries are pretty decent.
A permit that made us look twice lists an $80,000 renovation for a doctor’s office at 3004 Wake Forest Road that is apparently called “The Joint.” While we thought at first this might be the Raleigh equivalent of those “Green Doctors” my dad wrote about seeing in California — despite the fact that naming a place doling out medical marijuana prescriptions “The Joint” seems a little too on the nose — it turns out this is just a regular old chiropractor’s office. Oh.
Fortunately, we can wrap things up on a more interesting note, although it’s not a renovation and it wasn’t from last week: Crawford & Son, a new restaurant at 618 North Person Street that held its “soft opening” just yesterday, received ABC Permits on Tuesday of this week. WRAL’s Out & About did a nice write-up on the place on October 25.

Crawford & Son / Facebook
Crawford & Son