Some Families Still Unaware They Need to Make a Choice

Round 2 of school assignment choice is in its final days, but the school system does not know how many parents still need to choose. Some families chose at a registration drive Tuesday, but just blocks away, some kindergarten families still weren’t aware they had to make a decision at all.

Raleigh’s Disparity in Growth and School Building

A Record analysis of Census data compared to new school construction in Wake County shows a disparity in the number of schools built in Raleigh. We take an in-depth look at the numbers, as well as the plan for future schools, most of which are outside Raleigh’s city limits.

Most Get First Pick in Wake School Choice

Wake County schools released new data this week about who participated in the first round of school choice. So far, most people who have participated at the kindergarten level received their first or second choice, but roughly 3,000 families still haven’t participated.