UDO Day 29: Preparing for the Storm(water)

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As hurricane and heavy-rain season quickly approaches, it seems only fitting that we take some time to look at the stormwater management measures that are outlined in Chapter 10 of the UDO.

Like tree conservation, stormwater management is already addressed in the current code, but was reorganized and reformatted in the UDO. According City Planner Greg Hallam, there were no major changes.

So here are the highlights from the 12 pages that make up stormwater management:

Not all uses are required to have a stormwater management plan in place. Detached single-unit houses or attached two-unit houses built as part of a subdivision that is one acre or less in aggregate size are exempt, as well as any plot plan or site plan that is a half-acre or less and has less than 12,000 square feet of impervious surface.

But for other uses, a stormwater control plan must be prepared and include nitrogen reduction, an operations manual and budget. This plan must be submitted to the Stormwater Utility Division before construction can begin.

Unless a municipality agrees to take responsibility, the maintenance for an on-site stormwater system is the responsibility of the property owner or the property owner’s association. The property owner is also responsible for carrying all the necessary liability insurance for the system.

If the proper maintenance isn’t provided, the city will supercede, but must be fully reimbursed for the services.
