Many residents have traded big yards in the suburbs, in favor of downtown Raleigh streetscapes, where they walk to work or enjoy the first signs of spring in the surrounding neighborhoods. In the past, these strolls may have been marred by tree branches overhanging the sidewalks or neglected walkways. There seemed to be little they could do. But now that’s changed.
Three months ago the DLA launched SeeClickFix, a new web-based reporting tool to allow residents to easily report non-emergency issues to city authorities. Since the City of Raleigh formally adopted this tool the results have been nothing short of transformative! Let me count the ways…
Residents have quickly begun to use the system, reporting an average of 15 issues each day.
Since the City assigned staff and began a process for managing reported issues, 527 have been reported.
The Scorecard (Jan 10th – February 28th)
1 = average number of days for the City agencies to acknowledge issues
4 = average number of days for issues to be fixed / closed
35 = percentage of issues closed within one day
More than 1 out of every 5 issues reported are in the area of Downtown Raleigh.
Downtown residents have really appreciated how this tool can make a difference in their neighborhood. Issues that they may have tolerated for years are suddenly being fixed!
Haven’t yet used this tool? It’s easy.
Go to our original blog post to learn how simple it is to use. Download the mobile app and you’re ready to go. Don’t have a smartphone? No problem. Report your issue directly from our website.
And you can do much more than just submit your issues.
SeeClickFix is more than a tool to simply report issues, it’s designed for use in neighborhoods. Residents can follow, comment and vote to get issues fixed in their own neighborhoods. Just register with SeeClickFix here.
Once registered, all the issues you report and the comments you post will be associated with your account. You can set up a watch area, and even use filters to follow issues reported by others that fall into certain categories (sidewalks, potholes, signs/signals, street lights, litter/garbage, graffiti, etc.). Whenever an issue is reported in your neighborhood you will receive an email alert, and you can choose to add your comment or vote to get this issue fixed.
The DLA has set up a Downtown Raleigh watch area. If you would like to follow all issues reported in Downtown Raleigh, just click here and “follow this place”.
The DLA acknowledges City Councilman, Bonner Gaylord, who first brought the SCF smartphone App to Raleigh, and Daniel Howe, from the City Manager’s office, for coordinating the various city departments (Public Works, Police, Parks and Recreation, Waste Services, etc.) to ensure that all reported issues are handled efficiently.
It’s often believed that urban living comes with a degree of grit and noise and inconvenience. SeeClickFix tells a different story. You do have a voice in your community, and now you know where to direct it!
Got a question or comment about the tool? Contact us.