Help us create a better downtown!

It’s happened to everyone.  You walk by a space downtown and think, you know what would look better here… or what would work better in a certain spot.. or how space can be better utilized.  We all have these thoughts, but as a resident, you’re in a unique position because you have a more intimate feel for the space around you.  The DLA wants to help you bring your ideas to life.

My idea is… Tell Us!

Send your ideas to us and we’ll help make them a reality.

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Engage with others on the site to further develop ideas.

Join a project team

With your participation, the DLA will help to develop an idea into a DLA supported project.

Featured Idea


Glenwood South Pedestrian Plaza

Having a plaza at this location (400 Glenwood Ave – next to Dos Taquitos) that fronts Glenwood Avenue, with places to sit and relax could be used as a neighborhood gathering place for pop-up shops and to stage outdoor events on a more regular basis without having to close the street.

Located between the buildings, the plaza could extend along the south side of Dos Taquitos, while still providing vehicle access in the back for shops, restaurants and residents of the Lofts at Glenwood South. Follow the conversation on the Facebook Group.

Learn about current projects.

We have all our projects listed on the Current Projects page.

Topic List – click on a topic to open a list of ideas