Karen Tam / Raleigh Public Record
Pro-HB2 speakers enthusiastically listened to speakers at Monday's rally
Karen Tam / Raleigh Public Record
Andi White of Raleigh wears T-shirt that read PAT WANTS TO SEE YOU PEE.
Karen Tam / Raleigh Public Record
Elena Ceberio leaves Legislative Building to go and bail out her husband who was arrested during the protest rally inside the building.
Karen Tam / Raleigh Public Record
Decorated toilet with sign sits in front of the Legislative Building.
Karen Tam / Raleigh Public Record
Jackie Current, right, joins with others outside the Legislative Building to protest HB2.
Karen Tam / Raleigh Public Record
HB2 protestors sing and dance and make noise in the lobby of the Legislative Building as State Capitol Police watch.
Karen Tam / Raleigh Public Record
Bob Anderson uses a real toilet seat as his protest sign at Monday evening rally.
Karen Tam / Raleigh Public Record
Twins Jadyn, left and Jillian, center, 12, and their sister Josephine Burke, 8, right, display their support for HB 2 during Monday afternoon's rally. the Burkes are from Wake Forest, NC.
Karen Tam / Raleigh Public Record
Michaiah Youngblood, 17, of Hendersonville, NC, shows her support of HB-2.
Record photographer Karen Tam was on hand for Monday’s pro and anti-HB2 rallies held at Hallifax Mall in Downtown Raleigh.