Fracking Opponents Urge Gubernatorial Veto

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Anne Braswell of Garner holds two signs as she stands across from the Governor's Mansion on Blount Street. Photo by Karen Tam.

Correction: In the original version of this post, State Rep. Bill Faison was cited as a representative of Wake County. Faison is from District 50, which represents Caswell and Orange counties.

Fracking opponents gathered Monday evening across from the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh. Those gathered urged Gov. Bev Perdue to veto the fracking bill that has passed both houses of the N.C. legislature.

As folks held signs and chanted towards the Governor’s home, a regular running group passed by.  Some runners clapped and gave thumbs up for the activist’s efforts.

The organization, Food Not Bombs, provided free food for those gathered with their sign reading, “Frack-Free Vegan Food (get it while you can!)”

State Rep. Bill Faison, a Democrat, addressed the group and explained how this bill was passed, against all his efforts to stop it.

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