James Borden
Emmy, Jeniah, Maggie and a young boy show off their artwork
James Borden
Brentwood Rocks participants created a wide range of artistic rocks
James Borden
Brentwood Rocks was held at the Community Center at Brentwood Park
This real-life bee may have confused Rock Bee with its mother
James Borden
Brentwood Rocks was held at the Community Center at Brentwood Park
James Borden
Reginald and Julia McClain had a great time at Brentwood Rocks on Saturday
James Borden
Brentwood Rocks was held at the Community Center at Brentwood Park
Even adults got in on the rock-painting action
Jeniah shows off the many rocks she's worked on
James Borden
The kids who enjoyed the Brentwood Rocks festival hopefully won't be too old t
On Saturday, May 21 the Brentwood community in North Raleigh held the first annual “Brentwood Rocks” event where neighbors of all ages got together to paint rocks for a planned Rock Garden in Brentwood Park.