County Government
Small Teacher Raise Included in Wake Budget
Wake Commissioners Tuesday adopted a budget that includes a raise for teachers, which will be funded by ABC Board revenue. Democrats on the board said it wasn’t enough.
Raleigh Public Record (
Wake Commissioners Tuesday adopted a budget that includes a raise for teachers, which will be funded by ABC Board revenue. Democrats on the board said it wasn’t enough.
City Councilors Monday adopted next year’s budget and, after much debate, provided additional funding for school crossing guards.
Tuesday evening’s Raleigh City Council meeting brought a large crowd, but only a fraction were there to speak on the proposed budget.
With privilege licenses no longer a viable revenue source, Councilors are keeping the decline in revenue in mind as they discuss next year’s budget.
Raleigh’s budget season is getting underway and Councilors got a bit of a preview during Wednesday’s pre-budget work session.
Raleigh City Councilors adopted the budget for the next fiscal year, passing the $700 million mark for the first time. Property taxes will not increase, but sewer and solid waste fees are going up. The city will add back 40 jobs lost during the recession and give 3 percent merit raises to employees.
Wake County Commissioners Monday adopted a budget for the new fiscal year that includes increases in spending but no property tax hikes.
Councilors heard from city employees Tuesday night at its budget hearing. They argued for better raises for employees in next year’s budget. People also spoke about the need for better upkeep of the Moore Square bus station, more public transit and continued support for social service organizations.
City Manager Russell Allen unveiled his final Raleigh budget Tuesday. The spending plan maintains the tax rate the same, but calls for an increase in sewer fees. The budget also includes 40 additional positions to various city departments and gives 3 percent merit raises to employees.
Responding to a slow economic recovery, the proposed Wake County budget will increase library hours, pay for new employees and give current employees raises while leaving taxes at current levels.