“National Grocer” Coming to Southeast Raleigh
The Southeast CAC heard a presentation earlier this month on a new shopping center coming to their neck of the woods.
Raleigh Public Record (
The Southeast CAC heard a presentation earlier this month on a new shopping center coming to their neck of the woods.
Today on the Development Beat, we look at some recently issued renovation permits throughout the city.
Raleigh residents turned out in full force to fill the Duke Center for Performing Arts auditorium to voice opposition to the proposed citywide remapping that aims to add increased density to the city to deal with a rapidly growing population.
At a private meeting held earlier this week, a presentation was given by Raleigh Planning Director Ken Bowers titled “Oakwood, the UDO and You.” Here is that presentation.
City Council on Tuesday discussed plans for issuing a request for proposals for management of the Raleigh Business Incubator.
The owner of a former Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Southeast Raleigh was given the go-ahead from council this week to develop the space into a restaurant.
The second public hearing was held last night for zoning case Z-27-14, the citywide remapping case, in Fletcher Hall at the Duke Energy Center. While city hall reporter Chris Tepedino works on his official write-up, please enjoy this very unofficial summary of the night.
The following has been taken from a Q&A document prepared in advance of the SPHO meeting held Monday, July 20 on the citywide remapping plan. Staff Responses to Specific Concerns of SPHO Staff received an email on July 14 containing 14 specific concerns that the Society for the Preservation of Historic Oakwood would like to address at the July 20 meeting.
Given the number and complexity of the concerns, and in the interest of making for a productive meeting, staff has prepared responses to each concern for review in advance of the meeting.
The numbered concerns are repeated verbatim from the email. Staff will be prepared to discuss in greater detail at the meeting, and will also bring a presentation and maps. (1) The three blocks south of Edenton St. between East and Bloodworth are being rezoned from Residential Business to NX–3-DE.
The Society for the Preservation of Historic Oakwood held a members-only meeting Monday night to address concerns over zoning case Z-27-14, which will remap about 30 percent of the city. We talked to some of those who attended.
This week on the Development Beat, we look at some recently issued renovation permits, including one for the former Dr. Pepper warehouse downtown.