We’ve scheduled our next reader/listener meetup! If you’re not familiar, each quarter/season we co-host a meetup with other Raleigh bloggers and podcasters. This is a casual event over beer to chitchat about Raleigh stuff, development, transportation/transit, whatever. We’ve had some amazing conversations and met fantastic people so far!
Join us this time on May 30 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the London Bridge Pub on Hargett Street. (Close to the GoRaleigh bus station if you’re arriving by bus!) The hosts include:
- Oak City CRE, a newsletter about Raleigh development projects.
- The Raleigh Connoisseur blogger.
- Neighbors of Raleigh, a podcast featuring the stories of Raleigh.
- Us here at Inbound Raleigh
We hope you’ll join us!