Per the City:
The Raleigh Street Design Manual serves as a design guide for the City’s streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian facilities. We are working to update this manual and would like to get feedback from residents.
A draft of the manual is currently available for public review until January 14, 2019. You can download a copy of the draft here.
Please submit your comments to RSDMcomments[at]raleighnc.gov.
Hey, put up protected bike lanes. It’s really not that revolutionary but really smart. Why is it so hard for you people to adopt brilliant, simple ideas fully tested in Denmark and the Netherlands? Stop being afraid of everything.
Just saying.
Several comments regarding bicycling transportation in this guide:
Street design guidelines should be updated to plan to separate the 3 different speeds at which people move in the current environment. Slow, pedestrian zones of 5 mph or less = sidewalks. Medium, bike/scooter/skateboard, etc low or people powered machines in zones of 5-20mph. Fast, high powered motorized vehicles in zones of faster than 20 mph. EVERY street design should attempt to keep these 3 zones separate to increase safety.
Bike lanes should be positioned BETWEEN Slow zones and Fast zones. On street parking for cars should be adjacent to the Fast travel zone. Bikes should be between parked cars and pedestians, allowing for safer transitions for all travel modes.
SOME routes should prioritize bicycle facilities. SOME routes should prioritize motor vehicles and bicycles should become pedestians if necessary. Cyclists will prefer to travel on those routes where 15-20mph through cycling can be supported by separation from cars and, timed traffic signals and networked connections.
Article 9.3 Sharrows have proven to be not beneficial to cyclists nor motorists.
Bike Lanes do not have to ‘always be on both sides of the street’. Cycle tracks and Side Paths could accommodate two way bicycle traffic depending on available road/streetscape features.
11.2.2 Lane Obstructions – bike lane obstruction guidelines are completely missing
A standard of protected bike lanes should be included. NOT bi-directional cycletracks but grade separated bike lanes on both sides of the streets much like those scene in Denmark and the Netherlands. These types of protected bike lanes are less cumbersome and cheaper to design than the bi-direction cycletracks that seem to be popular in the US. Please review Danish and EU protected bike lane literature (available in English) before deciding on a standard.