Residential living in the heart of Glenwood South….222 Glenwood Condominums. Come join us…we would love more neighbors. After 12 years of owning a home outside the city limits of Raleigh, cutting the grass, and spending countless time, money and energy on landscaping projects, we decided to move to downtown. It was an easy decision. Where did we spend most of your time on the weekends? Our answer was Downtown Raleigh. There has been an explosion of growth in the past 5 years.

We love to eat out. During the week, 222 Glenwood offers 30+ restaurants in walking distance with awesome weekly specials. It’s cheaper to eat out in Downtown Raleigh during the week then it is to cook at home. On the weekends, we can decide to relax during a quiet afternoon by the pool with neighbors surrounded by 222 Glenwood complex or participate in many downtown events within walking distance. The walk home is simple as there are many “watering holes” to visit along the way. Best of all, once the car is parked on Friday in a private garage, it doesn’t move until Monday morning. Watch out, weekends on Glenwood Avenue are never dull. It’s amazing to see Glenwood South “turn the lights on”