There was an important message brought to light in the Editorial Section of the N&O this morning regarding transit for us in Raleigh / Wake County.

The Editorial references our right to vote on transit in the general election this November.  Whether you are for or against mass transit for our region, the question is shouldn’t our county commissioners give us as residents a right to vote our preference during a scheduled election?  The general elections is when most people vote.  If it’s not on the November ballot, it would then require a special vote, that typically brings a small percentage of voters to the pole.

Please read this article from the N&O this morning: Clear the way for a vote on  transit plan.

Email this message below, to your county commissioner / all the county commissioners, so your voice can be heard.

This is all you need to say . . . but you need to  say it.

As a resident of Wake County, I’d like to see the mass transit plan for Wake County on the November ballot.

Here are the email address of each county commissioner:,,,,,,

And, if you’re as passionate as I am about Downtown, and have one extra minute, share this post with a couple of folks… the more residents the county commissioners hear from, the better.

Author:  Ann-Cabell Baum Andersen