The N.C. Department of Transportation unveiled its draft 10-Year transportation plan for 2020-2029 at the monthly Board of Transportation meeting in Raleigh.

Boylan Traffic Signals Converted to Stop Signs
The City of Raleigh completed decommissioning traffic signals at three downtown intersections along Boylan Avenue

Triangle Expressway Toll Rate Increase Begins Jan. 1
For NC Quick Pass customers traveling the 17.4 miles on the Triangle Expressway between N.C. 147 at I-40 and the N.C. 55 Bypass, the cost will increase 12 cents to $3.37. For bill-by-mail customers, the cost will go up 20 cents to $5.17.

Submit Your Input on Raleigh Streets, Sidewalks
The city is working to update its street design manual and would like to get feedback from residents.

Ep. 52 – Answering Your Transportation Questions (Edition 2)
Welcome to our annual “Answer Your Questions” episode! Each year we’ll ask you what you’d like to know regarding transit and transportation around Raleigh and then get those answers.

Ep. 51 – What’s Next for the Rline?
With ridership numbers declining, city officials are wondering if it’s time for a change to the Rline. David Eatman talks to us about the possibilities for a city provided mobility solution and the process for figuring out what that might be.

Ep. 50 – A Conversation with Raleigh’s New Director of Transportation
Today on our show, we’re speaking to Michael Moore, Raleigh’s new-ish transportation planning director.

NCDOT Wants Public Input on the Future of Transportation in N.C.
From now until Nov. 30, residents can participate in an online survey and leave comments on an interactive map about the future transportation challenges.

Ep. 49 – Scooter Chat (Part Two)
In this episode, a Bird mechanic shares with us the experience of dockless scooters from the perspective of someone who makes money by charging and fixing them.

Ep. 48 – Scooter Chat (Part One)
Three months after Bird scooters arrived in Raleigh, we’ve seen Lime join the scene and City Councilors are debating how to handle them. In this episode, we talk scooters.