Sadly, listeners, it’s time to say farewell. Here is a list of some ways you can get involved with conversations about transit and transportation in the Triangle.
Tag: transportation

Ep. 59 – Mobility May by CAFT
May is here and that means good weather and more transit and transportation events! In this episode, we chat with Heather from Capital Area Friends of Transit about their big plans for events every day this month.

Ep. 55 – What is CAMPO?
Deputy Director Shelby Powell explains what CAMPO is, what they do, and what they are working on now.

Ep. 50 – A Conversation with Raleigh’s New Director of Transportation
Today on our show, we’re speaking to Michael Moore, Raleigh’s new-ish transportation planning director.

NCDOT Wants Public Input on the Future of Transportation in N.C.
From now until Nov. 30, residents can participate in an online survey and leave comments on an interactive map about the future transportation challenges.
Input Sought for State’s Public Transportation Strategic Plan
State transportation officials are asking the public to share their thoughts about the future of public transportation in North Carolina.

Ep. 12 – Transportation Bonds
November 2016 wasn’t the first time we voted on bonds for transportation projects. We spoke with the City’s transportation Planning Manager about some of the past projects and where they are now.

Ep. 9 – Transportation Etiquette
Transit etiquette isn’t something Emily Post covered, but we all have to get along out there on the roads, no matter how you’re moving.