Sadly, listeners, it’s time to say farewell. Here is a list of some ways you can get involved with conversations about transit and transportation in the Triangle.
Tag: transit

Ep. 66 – What is the Raleigh Transit Authority and How Does it Work?
Transportation is full of acronyms. Today, we explain the Raleigh Transit Authority.

Ep. 63 – You Can Ride the Wolfline
The Wolfline is a bus primarily aimed at NC State students, but Raleigh residents (or anyone) can ride it, too.

Raleigh’s Newest Transit Service: a Free Golf Cart
If you’re wandering around downtown Raleigh, you might notice, as I did, this new golf cart. I called them to get more info and here’s what I have so far.

Ep. 61 – Learn More about BRT in June
In this episode, we speak with Jason Hardin of the Raleigh Planning Department to learn more about the two meetings and get an update on BRT and what’s coming when.

Ep. 59 – Mobility May by CAFT
May is here and that means good weather and more transit and transportation events! In this episode, we chat with Heather from Capital Area Friends of Transit about their big plans for events every day this month.

Ep. 55 – What is CAMPO?
Deputy Director Shelby Powell explains what CAMPO is, what they do, and what they are working on now.

Ep. 40 – Growth and Transit, Transportation Planning
If you consider the issues faced by our city today, most relate to our growth in one way or another. In this episode, guest host Imran Aukhil and I discuss some of the challenges our leaders face when managing growth and planning for transit and transportation.

Ep. 14 – The Wake Transit Work Plan
This week we took a brief look at the Wake Transit Work plan. This is an overview of where the money will go and what changes we’ll see in 2018.

Ep. 12 – Transportation Bonds
November 2016 wasn’t the first time we voted on bonds for transportation projects. We spoke with the City’s transportation Planning Manager about some of the past projects and where they are now.