State Moves to Retake Control of Dix Property
Two bills filed in the North Carolina General Assembly Thursday would undo an agreement between the state and the city to turn the Dorothea Dix Property into a destination park.
Raleigh Public Record (
Two bills filed in the North Carolina General Assembly Thursday would undo an agreement between the state and the city to turn the Dorothea Dix Property into a destination park.
Ten-year-old plans to restore the 104-year-old St. Agnes Hospital building will finally take shape this year.
The city this week will launch Open Raleigh, a repository for public data, just in time for Sunshine Week.
The city’s Civil Service Commission hears employee grievances, but rarely has a full board.
Joseph Holt Jr. was the first black student to attempt to attend an all-white public high school in Raleigh. After three years of fighting, his family lost that battle, but the full story of why they lost took several more decades to uncover.
A little-known cemetery with some of Oberlin Village’s earliest settlers is still shrouded in mystery.
Raleigh has built nearly 20 miles of bike-friendly roadway since developing its Comprehensive Bicycle Plan in 2009 — but the city still has a long way to go.
Developers question urban guidelines in Raleigh’s most suburban areas and a new Family Dollar store is approved for Southeast Raleigh.
Julia Smith, 97, worked as a nurse at St. Agnes Hospital at St. Augustine’s College, the only hospital of its kind for African Americans between Washington D.C. and New Orleans.
For the first time in years, Wake County departments get to request more money instead of deciding where to cut.