We’ve scheduled our next reader/listener meetup! If you’re not familiar, each quarter/season we co-host a meetup with other Raleigh bloggers and podcasters.

Ep. 37 – Downtown Parking
Downtown Raleigh parking, the thing everyone loves to hate. Well, it’s getting some hate lately as businesses downtown wonder where their employees are going to park. We present some numbers and some of the solutions under discussion.

SE1: Farewell James
Our fair co-host, James, is leaving the show and moving to Cleaveland for work. We thank him and wish him the best!

Ep. 36 – The Golden Modes
Have you heard of The Golden Modes? This set of awards from GoTriangle recognizes transit users and companies each year who are helping move the concept of transit forward in our community.

Ep. 35 – Street Resurfacing and Bike Lanes
Each year the city repaves/resurfaces some of its more than 1,000 miles of streets. During that process, they also consider whether to add bicycle lanes. This year, 16 of the streets will get a new section of bike lane.

Ep. 34 – The Update Episode
During this episode, we’ll share updates on bikeshare, I-40/Fortify, the I-540 ramp signals, Capital Boulevard bridge work, the I-440 widening plan, Complete 540, and Union Station.

Ep. 33 – Ridehailing
Catching a ride in Raleigh is as easy as installing an app on your phone for Lyft or Uber. Today, co-host James discusses his experience as a driver for these services, and we talk about their effect on transit.

Ep. 32 Ehrmergerd Sner! (Aka Snow Removal and Transportation)
Snow sure seems to interrupt life here in North Carolina, whether it’s an inch or a blizzard. In this episode, we talk about getting around in the snow and learn from the NCDOT a bit about the removal process.

Pedestrian Tunnel to Link Parking Lots for Carter-Finley Stadium and State Fairgrounds
A safe route for pedestrians crossing Trinity Road in Raleigh between parking lots for N.C. State’s Carter-Finley Stadium and the State Fairgrounds is on its way.

Reader-Listener Meetup Scheduled
We are hosting our second Raleigh blog-podcast reader/listener meetup this month.